This section shows all the certifications that our product (Cancertame Ayurvedic Formulation), our company (Cancertame Private Limited) or our manufacturer (Sanjivan Anusandhan Private Limited) has in regards to the quality & production of Cancertame Ayurvedic Formulation. You can view each certificate by clicking the "View Certificate" button. Please note that certain parts of the certificate might be blurred out due to the confidentiality of the said certificate.

Apart from the certifications mentioned below, Cancertame is approved for manufacturing by Ministry of AYUSH under Product code Ay/Sanjivan/22637

ISO certification ensures that quality standards are met so that each capsule of Cancertame Ayurvedic Formulation has equal efficacy

GMP certification ensures that Cancertame is manufactured in safe and correct conditions to keep our product free of any contamination

Cancertame is registered with FDA (Food & Drug Administration, U.S.A.), responsible for ensuring the safety & efficacy of medical/food products.